Multiplayer (Season 7) Tournaments Campaign Leaderboards Pantheon (past seasons)

The Emperor - Deployment #1213857

Stats Player matches Ghost matches

Deployment #1213857

The Emperor

Game mode: Domination
Deploy time: 2023-05-25 14:45:26 UTC
Initial score: 973
Total nodes: 30 nodes
Biggest AI size: 5 nodes
AIs used: 3
White lines = victories against a stronger player / defeats against a weaker player
Italic player names = ghosts
TimeMatch IDPlayerVSOpponent
2023-05-25 16:14:05 UTC471600730 nodes
The Emperor(998 +24)
Olórin3125(978 -24)
18 nodes
2023-05-25 14:45:26 UTC471597730 nodes
The Emperor(973 +25)
ereee(973 -25)
49 nodes